123 Quotes & Sayings By Nalini Singh

Nalini Singh is the New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty Harlequin novels. She was born in Mumbai, India, and moved to Vancouver at age eleven. After studying psychology and medicine at university, she opened a private practice and worked as an assistant to a psychiatrist. She is the recipient of the Romance Writers of America RITA Award for Best First Romantic Comedy and has been nominated for an RT Book Club's Reviewers Choice Award. She loves her characters so much that she created a website devoted exclusively to her stories: www.nalinisingh.com

You’re in my every breath and every thought, intertwined so deep inside me that love’s not a strong enough word–you have my devotion, your name branded on my soul, my wolf yours to command. A hundred years? It’ll never be enough. I want eternity. Nalini Singh
For the first time in forever, he was stunned to silence. Not by her words, but by the tenderness in her hands, the worry in her eyes. He was an archangel. He’d been wounded far, far worse and shrugged it off. But then, there had been no woman with sun kissed by the sunset and eyes of storm gray to tear into him for daring to get himself hurt. Nalini Singh
You have the power to tear me to pieces, to wound me so deep and true that I'll never recover. What Rissa's death did to the boy I was? You have the ability to do a thousand times worse to the man I've become. Nalini Singh
How long have you been with Raphael?”“You ask a lot of questions for a dead woman.”“ What can I say? I prefer to die well-informed.”- Venom and Elena Nalini Singh
You know how spooky Ashwini is. She called an hour...
You know how spooky Ashwini is. She called an hour ago to tell me she has a secret stash of handheld grenade launchers she thought I might want to know about. My response was, 'What the fuck? Nalini Singh
Riley :
Riley : "Do you want to claw at me, kitty-cat? Come on." Mercy: "Sorry, I don't beat defenseless puppies. Nalini Singh
Ransom really looked at the other man for the first time, shook his head, stared again.“ Holy hell, your eyes are like a fucking viper’s.” Venom raised an eyebrow.“ You have hair prettier than one of Astaad’s concubines.” Ransom gave the vampire the finger. Venom grinned. Nalini Singh
She blew out a breath between gritted teeth. “Sometimes I really want to”–a frustrated sound–“bite you! ” He froze. “I might let you.” “I won’t do it if you’d enjoy it. Nalini Singh
How’s Her Royal Bitchiness?” “Alive.” “Pity. Nalini Singh
Only ignorance excuses stupidity
Only ignorance excuses stupidity Nalini Singh
Life changes us. To wish otherwise is pointless.
Life changes us. To wish otherwise is pointless. Nalini Singh
Once, he hadn't been able to touch her without causing...
Once, he hadn't been able to touch her without causing himself pain. Now, it only hurt when he didn't touch her. Nalini Singh
Hawke, " he said. "That's the word you need to be saying. Nalini Singh
After this is over, I want a shower in a...
After this is over, I want a shower in a really big bathroom."" I'll get us the penthouse."" What makes you think you'll be sharing it with me?"" I live in hope. Nalini Singh
Hope is the greatest gift and the greatest evil... Hope...
Hope is the greatest gift and the greatest evil... Hope saved us and hope might yet kill us. Nalini Singh
A life is not a waste of time
A life is not a waste of time Nalini Singh
What can I say? I prefer to die well informed.
What can I say? I prefer to die well informed. Nalini Singh
Was it not worth the loss of a little immortality...
Was it not worth the loss of a little immortality to have that strange mix of innocence and strength close to him? Nalini Singh
How do you know it'll be pleasurable?" He got on the bed and lay down. Breath a whisper, she came closer and tied one wrist to the headboard. The cat growled but didn't try to make him wrench free." Because just looking at you gives me the most extreme pleasure I've ever felt."" Christ, baby, tie me up before you start talking like that. Nalini Singh
Then I almost pity Judd.” Leaning in, she whispered, “Make him uncomfortable. Don’t take no for an answer. Push. Push him until he loses control. Remember, fire melts ice.” Brenna looked into those eerie night-sky eyes as Faith drew back. “Could be a dangerous game.” “You don’t seem to be the kind of woman content with safe and easy.” “No.” She also wasn’t the kind of woman who gave up at the first obstacle. Judd might be categorically Psy, but she was a SnowDancer. . Nalini Singh
Eres mío para jugar contigo a mi antojo
Eres mío para jugar contigo a mi antojo Nalini Singh
Solo mirarte me proporciona el placer más intenso que jamás...
Solo mirarte me proporciona el placer más intenso que jamás haya sentido. Nalini Singh
Life isn't static, and sometimes, we don't realize the value...
Life isn't static, and sometimes, we don't realize the value of knowledge or even of people, until further down the track, when we're mature enough to truly understand. Nalini Singh
You're walking funny, " Lucy said, a shit-eating grin on her face. Five days of out of this world sex with a starving man could do that to a girl." You're just jealous." Brenna pushed through the door into DarkRiver's business HQ.Lucy made a mournful face. "Yes, I am. Goddamn but your man is hot. And he smiles at you! I've seen him do it, even if no one believes me. Nalini Singh
The woman rolled her eyes. “DarkRiver males are damn possessive and complete exhibitionists during the mating dance.” Sascha ran through her dictionary of changeling terminology and could find no fit. “Mating dance?” Mercy whistled. Dorian winced. Tamsyn suddenly got interested in her dough. Clay and Vaughn mysteriously disappeared. Behind her, Lucas’s body was a hard wall of heat. “I think we need to discuss this upstairs. Nalini Singh
Somehow the idea of Montgomery as a fairy doesn't have...
Somehow the idea of Montgomery as a fairy doesn't have the same effect on me as it appears to have on you.- Raphael Nalini Singh
Since Sienna was in an unusually cooperative mood, the session went well. He was returning from it midmorning - after a short detour - when a small naked body barreled into him in one of the main corridors. Steadying the boy with Tk, he looked down. The child lifted a finger to his lips. "Shh. I'm hiding." With that, he went behind Judd and scrambled into a small alcove. "Quickly! Not sure why he obeyed the order, Judd backed up to stand in front of the alcove, arms crossed. A flustered Lara came running around the corner a few seconds later. "Have you seen Ben? Four-year-old. Naked as a jaybird?"" How tall is he?" Judd asked in his most overbearing Psy manner. Lara stared. "He's four. How tall do you think he is? Have you seen him or not?"" Let me think..did you say he was naked?"" He was about to be bathed. Slippery little monkey." A giggle from behind Judd.Lara's eyes widened and then her lips twitched. "So you haven't seen him?"" Without a proper description, I can't be sure." The healer was obviously trying not to laugh. "You shouldn't encourage him - he's incorrigible as it is." Judd felt childish hands on his left calf and then Ben poked his head out. "I'm incorwigeable, did ya hear?" Judd nodded. "I do believe you've been found. Why don't you go have your bath?"" Come on, munchkin." Lara held out a hand. Surprisingly strong baby arms and legs wrapped around Judd's leg. "No. I wanna stay with Uncle Judd."Lara anticipated his question. "Ben spends a lot of time with Marlee.""I spend a lot of time with Marlee, " a small voice piped up. Nalini Singh
If he decided to pursue Sienna...Sucking in a breath Indigo...
If he decided to pursue Sienna...Sucking in a breath Indigo promised herself she'd warn the girl if and when the time came-because no woman should have to face that campaign unprepared. Nalini Singh
But plants grow again,
But plants grow again, " She murmured, focusing on the verdant beauty around her. "They put down new roots, create room for themselves in foreign soil. Nalini Singh
Death comes in endless forms. Of the body. Of the...
Death comes in endless forms. Of the body. Of the soul. Of the heart. - Catriona Mercant, philosopher and warrior. (circa 1419) Nalini Singh
The peacemaker must have the strongest heart and the toughest will in the room. Nalini Singh
What music do you like?” he asked between calls.“ Cheery, chirpy pop.” Wincing, he pulled up a station that delivered exactly that. “You owe me.”“ Come on”–she turned in her seat to face him once more–“it’s not that bad.”“ I’m sorry? I can’t hear you past the sugar blocking my eardrums. Nalini Singh
Take care of my heart won't you, Sophie? It's a little odd having it outside my body-but I'm planning to steal yours to make up for it. Nalini Singh
Be gentle with him, Mercy. He's got a heart as big as Texas– he'll die for you without blinking. But he doesn't expect anyone to do the same for him. Nalini Singh
I look into my heart and see the abyss looking back at me.'' I won't let you fall. Nalini Singh
Under her palm, his heart beat strong and sure. It was such a human sound, so honest, so real. Nalini Singh
I don’t want to be your snack, your chew-toy, your fuck-buddy. Find a vampire to sink your fang into. Nalini Singh
Do I look like I want to be eaten alive after sex? Nalini Singh
Nothing's ever gone. We fool ourselves that things fade, but they never do. Nalini Singh
I've never heard of a man's cock being described as a fang before. - Rapahel Nalini Singh
The bastard kissed her. She was so mad, she bit him hard enough to draw blood. Raphael pulled back, lip already beginning to swell. “We are no longer even, Elena. You’re now in debt.”“ You can deduct it from my slow and painful death. Nalini Singh
There was a very slight chance she might actually kill him that way, and if she did, she’d be brought up on charges. Unless, of course, she could prove harmful intent. She could see it now. See, Your Honor, he was going to f*ck me silly, make me like it. Nalini Singh
I don't need a mate, ” she muttered, staring up at the bright circle of the early autumn moon. “But can't you send me a nice, sexy, strongmale to dance with? Pretty please?” She hadn't had a lover for close to eight months now, and it was starting to hurt on every level. “He doesn't even have to be smart, just good between the sheets.” Good enough to unsnap the tension in her body, allow her to function again. Because sex wasn't simply about pleasure for a cat like her–it was about affection, about trust, about everything good. “Though right this second, I'd take plain old hot sex.” That was when Riley walked out of the shadows. “Got an itch, kitty?” Snapping to her feet, she narrowed her eyes, knowing he had to have deliberately stayed downwind in order to sneak up on her. “Spying?” “When you're talking loud enough to wake the dead?” She swore she could feel steam coming out her ears. . Nalini Singh
Dev?" This time, she got a grunt. Smiling, she pressed her lips to his jaw, loving the roughness under her lips. "I like sex." She saw the edge of a smile, and it made her own lips curve. "I really like it." Rubbing her heel over the back of his leg, she ran her hand down his muscled arm, wanting only to touch him. "When can we do it again?" He sounded like he was chocking as he said, "You're not acting like a Psy.""Maybe if they tried sex with you, the others would change their minds, too. Nalini Singh
Children were huge, wild creatures full of promise and hope and dirt and mischief. Nalini Singh
We all have to live with our past, but it doesn’t have to define us. Nalini Singh
He couldn’t say the words, had spent too long in Silence, but he’d learned other ways to speak. Taking the paperweight she’d knocked off her desk out of his pocket, he put it in her hands. “It’s fixed. As long as you don’t mind more than a few scars. Nalini Singh
I have something for you.”“ Yeah? What? Is it shiny?” They both waited until Indigo had jogged away before resuming their conversation. “So, ” Riley asked, “what have you got for me?” Taking his hand, she placed it palm-down over her heart. It would hurt like a bitch, she thought, but he was hers to protect as much as she was his. “Me.” And she opened up her soul, laid herself bare. . Nalini Singh
God, you’re sexy when you talk Psy. Nalini Singh
Some women, ” Dahariel said in that same hard tone devoid of any hint of humanity, “getunder a man’s skin until digging them out makes you bleed. Nalini Singh
While Dmitri, as the leader of Raphael’s Seven, could not accept such a weakness, the mortal he’d once been, the one who had loved a woman with a wide mouth and eyes of slanted brown .. . that man understood what it was to love so deeply it was a kind of beautiful madness. Nalini Singh
Eyes narrowed, Judd stared at the structure as if at a mortal enemy. Slapping his fellow lieutenant on the shoulder, Riaz said, "Don't even think about it." A pissed-off telekinetic versus the complex metal pylons and tubes of the jungle gym- the results would not be pretty. Judd glanced at his watch. "I'll destroy it later. Nalini Singh
While waiting for Brenna to prepare the drink he did as directed and worked through their conversation. It would've gone faster had he not kept getting distracted by the sight of her moving with feminine efficiency mere meters away. The sway of her hips were-" Don't I ever want to lick a woman all up?" She squeaked, then swivelled to face him, bracing her hands on the counter behind her. "Not quite how I would've put it." Her tone was higher than normal." But yeah." "You, " he said quietly, no longer able to lie, "You tempt me." "Oh." Her breasts rose up as she took a deep, shuddering breath. "You've never let on." Yes, he had. If she ever saw the way he watched her when she wasn't looking, she'd be in no doubt as to the strength of his unacceptable reaction to her. Nalini Singh
It wasn’t only his city that was healing, Raphael thought, his eyes catching the refracted light that betrayed Aodhan’s presence in the sky; his people were, too. And it had all begun with a single, vulnerable mortal who did not accept that to be an archangel was to be always right. Nalini Singh
To fight evil, you have to understand the dark. Nalini Singh
Taking a sip of the hot chocolate he'd made her, she met his gaze, those eerie eyes of endless black impenetrable, unreadable. "Max?" "Yes?""Will you remember me?" His heart broke into a thousand pieces. "Always. Nalini Singh
In my time, ” he said, “they believed in witches. Are you a witch, Honor, that you make me say these things to you?” Causing him to rip open wounds that had stayed safely scabbed over for so long that, most of the time, he managed to forget they existed. Her hands, so very, very gentle, continued to hold his face as she tugged him down until their foreheads touched. “I’m no witch, Dmitri. If I was, I’d know how to fix you. Nalini Singh
There's not much left inside me, Max" Sometimes, all she heard were echoes. Nalini Singh
She fucking turns me inside out."" Women who matter have a way of doing that." Lucas scowled. "We sound like a couple of women, talking about feelings. I think Sascha's having a bad influence on me."" You started it. Nalini Singh
Illium, with his wings of silver-kissed blue and a face designed to seduce both males and females, not to mention his ability to do the most impossible acrobatics in the air, would provide a worthy diversion. The fact that he’d decided to ditch half his clothing was just icing on the cake. Nalini Singh
Raphael met Michaela's gaze. "If you could kill every single beautiful woman in the world, would you?" Her smile never faded. "In an instant. Nalini Singh
When he put the old-fashioned mechanical toy on her palm, she stopped breathing. It was a tiny representation of an atom, complete with colored ball bearings standing in for neutrons, protons, and on the outside, arranged on arcs of fine wire, electrons. Turning the key on the side made the electrons move, what she’d thought were ball bearings actually finely crafted spheres of glass that sparked with color. A brilliant, thoughtful, wonderful gift for a physics major.“ Why magnesium?” she asked, identifying the atomic number of the light metal. His hand on her jaw, his mouth on her own. “Because it’s beautifully explosive, just like my X. Nalini Singh
The fear is like metal on my tongue– I’ve known him but a fragment of time, and yet I’m certain if I accept his suit, it will destroy a part of me when he leaves.” Keir reached forward to tuck her hair behind her ear. “We’re all a little broken.” Quiet. Potent. “No one goes through life with a whole heart. Nalini Singh
A woman who knows me, understands what I am, and who wants to have secret rules with me. Nalini Singh
I might be on the fence about this life, but I 'm not and will never be on the fence about you. I will fight for you. Nalini Singh
The longer you live, the more mistakes you make. And the more sorrows you carry. Nalini Singh
I can smell blood, Elena, ” Dmitri drawled, walking back into the room. “Are you trying to flirt? Nalini Singh
But it was the dark hunger in his tone that got to her. Damn kinky vampire had actually liked the Nalini Singh
Illium, his expression subdued as it had been for too many days, turned to her. “Mind if I have a go?”“ Kick his ass.” Stripping off his shirt and boots, Illium held out his hand for one of Venom’s blades. Lips curving, Venom passed it over. “Sure you can handle me, pretty, pretty Bluebell?”“Did I ever tell you about my snakeskin boots?” A savage grin, and she knew Venom was about to bear the brunt of whatever haunted the blue-winged angel. Venom swirled his blade in hand. “I do think I need some new feathers for my pillow. Nalini Singh
Do you know where Jason is?” she asked Dmitri when they exited the morgue. Dmitri pressed the car remote to unlock the flame red Ferrari parked in the employees-only lot. “Tired of your Bluebell already?” A tendril of champagne circled around her senses, cut with something far harder. Never had she felt that harsh edge in Dmitri’s scent. She pitied the woman he took to his bed today.“ Yeah, that’s it. I’m building a harem. Nalini Singh
Someday, ” she said in a voice as serene as a high mountain lake, “I’m going to break your neck. Then I’m going to saw it off with a hacksaw so I can take my time.” Venom’s grin creased his cheeks.“ I knew you had it in you, kitty.”( Venom & Sorrow) Nalini Singh
Fly free, my daughter. Be what I could never be and leave the cage forever. Nalini Singh
Hey, Frenchie! ” Sage poked his head out the door, the sun hitting the brown of his hair to reveal hidden strands of red. “Did you bring any baguettes?”“ Why don’t you go season something, Herb? Nalini Singh
Sascha nodded. "Want me to wait?"" Do I want my mate to wait in a deserted forest while a dangerous Psy fugitive remains on the loose? Wait, let me think."" Sarcasm does not suit you." She kissed him again, laughter in her eyes. Nalini Singh
You do realize this makes your wings even more unique."" Are you saying you shot me as a cosmetic procedure? Nalini Singh
Option 1: Attempt to back out. Probable result: Death after painful torture. Option 2: Do the job and hope. Probable result: Death but probably no torture (good) Nalini Singh
Fine. But remember, little rabbit, not a word to anyone." He moved close enough that the dark heat of him lapped against her in a quiet threat that made her glad for the blade. "I'm not a nice man when I'm angry." She held her position, a ragged attempt to erase the humiliation of the panic attack. "I'm fairly certain you're not a nice man at all." His answer was a slow smile that whispered of silk sheets, erotic whispers, and sweat-damp skin. The unhidden intent of it had her heart slamming hard against her ribs. "No" she said. Voice raw. "A challenge.” He wasn't touching her and yet she felt caressed by a thousand ropes of fur, soft and lush and unmistakably sexual. "I accept . Nalini Singh
You refused to fall in love with anyone else, Dmitri.” A whisper with the impact of a gun-shot. “So I had to come back for you .. . husband. Nalini Singh
Flirt with him if you want, Honor, but you're mine. Nalini Singh
Dmitri clearly gives good .. . blood. Nalini Singh
A faint smile that made every tiny hair on her body rise in quivering attention. "How fast can you run?" A wolf's question. Nalini Singh
Come make me sticky. Dimitri to Honor Nalini Singh
Raphael lifted a finger, tracing it over her cheekbone. She flinched. Not because he was hurting her. The opposite. The places he touched. .. it was as if he had a direct line to the hottest, most feminine part of her. A single stroke and she was embarrassingly damp. But she refused to pull away, refused to give in." (page 33 , Gollancz edition) Nalini Singh
Hawke continued to walk beside his lieutenant– a man who, as a result of his incredible feats during the battle in San Francisco, now had a fan club. Complete with “I (heart) Judd” and “Judd Is My Boyfriend” memorabilia. In the normal course of events, civilians wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near the former Arrow, but it had been impossible to evacuate the entire city prior to the Pure Psy attack. Nalini Singh
He glared down at her. “Yes. But you must not cry. I won’t get you any dresses if you cry.”“ I don’t normally cry.”“ You will never do it.”“ Well, I’m afraid I may sometimes, ” she said apologetically. “Women need to cry.” Lines formed between his brows. “How many times in a year?”“ Maybe five or six, ” she said, thinking about it. “But really, it’s usually a very small cry and not in front of anyone At that, his scowl grew even darker. “I will permit you to cry four times a year. And you will do it when I am here. Nalini Singh
Mercy laughed. “You have to excuse them–boys suffer from an incurable disability.” “What?” “Testosterone. Nalini Singh
You trying to make me crazy?” “Everyone needs a hobby. Nalini Singh
Don't pull any shit because you want to show off.” “Wait a second.” She looked down then back up. “Nope, I haven't grown a cock in the last few minutes. I have no need to prove whose is bigger. Nalini Singh
Sentinel meeting tonight, ” Ria told her. “At Lucas's place.” “Time?” ...“Seven. Sascha's doing dinner.” “God save us all.” Sascha had decided she liked cooking. Unfortunately, cooking didn't like her back. Nalini Singh
One thing I've always wondered–why did you enter that bikini contest when you were a teenager?” Her face flushed with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “How far back did you trace me?” “Far enough.” A pause. “You didn't answer my question.” “And you didn't turn into a puff of smoke and disappear. The world is full of disappointments. Nalini Singh
Dorian’s going to love this.” She glared. “I swear to God, you tell him, and I’ll” – what the hell could you threaten an alpha with?–“ I’ll tell Hawke you want to go on daily bonding runs with him. Nalini Singh
You almost died.” “But you brought me back.” She cupped his face in her hands. “I always knew you were there. Death didn't have a chance against the Wall. Nalini Singh
Riley knelt down, clasping the fur at the back of her neck. “You’re fucking bruised all down your back. Why the hell didn’t you tell me it hur Nalini Singh
You said I could pet you as long as I liked.” “Didn't say I wouldn't try to fuck you in the middle of the petting.” Her eyes snapped up to meet his. “That's feline logic. You're a wolf.” “I'm learning from the best. Nalini Singh
A hand in her hair, wrenching back her head. "What's my name?" She scratched trails down his back. He didn't even wince. "My name, kitty. Say my name."" Mr. Mud Stick, Muddie for short, " she said, even as she rubbed herself against the hard thrust of his denim-covered erection, the roughness of the fabric an exquisite sensation. She would've liked naked skin even more, but he wasn't budging." Say it, or no cock for you today." Her mouth fell open. "Fuck you."" You'll be doing that shortly. Nalini Singh
Smiling, she went for his throat and almost had him, when–using a move that was all sorts of illegal–he flipped her again so her front pressed into the leaf-laden ground, her wrists still locked in his iron grip and pinned above her head. “Cheater.” “So says the woman who tried to kick my balls into my throat, ” he pointed out, even as he licked the salt off the skin of her neck in a lazy and highly provocative move. Nalini Singh
Once– and most of the night definitely counts as once–you can write off as a mistake. But you do this again and he's going to start thinking he has rights over you.” She knew predatory changeling men. They liked control. They particularly liked their women to submit. And Riley was one big giant hunk of testosterone-fueled Neanderthal wolf–he probably thought her submission was his right. She snorted. “Not in this lifetime. . Nalini Singh
So, you tumbled that wolf you were with?” Mercy was too much a pack animal to take offense at the personal question. She grinned. “How did you know it was me?” “Do I look senile to you?”..“ Yes, ” Mercy said. “And I'm not doing it again.” If she kept telling herself that, maybe her traitorous body would actually notice and shut up with its demands. The older woman gave her a sour look. “Damn shame. What, you like them prettier?” A snort. “In my day, we liked men who looked like men. Nalini Singh
Her eyes narrowed when no one bothered to introduce themselves. Even her father just gave a curt nod and kissed Mercy on the cheek before going to his mate. She looked at Bas. “Did you four gang up on Riley?”Absolute silence in the kitchen except for her mother ’s exasperated breath. “Michael T. Smith, I told you to leave the boy alone.” The “boy” held her tighter against him, obviously not the least bit worried. “I’m fine, Mrs. Smith. And I have a sister, too.” Lia turned her gaze on Riley. “Good God, Mercy. You brought another one into the family? . Nalini Singh
Her eyes narrowed when no one bothered to introduce themselves. Even her father just gave a curtnod and kissed Mercy on the cheek before going to his mate. She looked at Bas. “Did you four gangup on Riley?”Absolute silence in the kitchen except for her mother ’s exasperated breath. “Michael T. Smith, I toldyou to leave the boy alone.” The “boy” held her tighter against him, obviously not the least bit worried. “I’m fine, Mrs. Smith.And I have a sister, too.” Lia turned her gaze on Riley. “Good God, Mercy. You brought another one into the family?. Nalini Singh